Right now (Dec 2024) I’m appearing on NBC’s Peacock streaming service in the awesome closing scene of Jimmy Fallon’s’ Seasoning Spectacular with the gorgeous Rockettes. It was shot atop the wide open roof, at the 76th floor of Rockefeller Center. The stunning nighttime Manhattan skyscrapers around us are showcased by drones circling the scene. I’m only there few a few seconds, but hey – the check cleared – and Jimmy was a charming guy as we hung around off-screen between setups.
I also can be seen in a Prime Time TV commercial running on national networks in which I’m Santa sitting in a lawyer’s office while explaining, “Grandma got run over by a reindeer and the insurance company said they aren’t going to pay a penny.”
The Santa booking business I own (Real Beard Santas of America) helped recruit and book the 31 Real Beard Santas who are currently appearing in the short video that Oat Milk is running on social media.
I did a “Funny or Die” video with Mariah Carey. Here’s the story. It’s running on a new medium (GO90.com) but click here to see a clip from it.
There is NOTHING as good as a real-beard Santa in a high-end costume. Real Beard Santa Joe performs at corporate events, home parties, weddings and in commercials, television, theater, print ads and movies.
The photo on your left is Alec Baldwin and his family visiting Real Beard Santa Joe in the Oak Room at the Plaza Hotel in NYC. If ever there was a bad boy who has more fun than anyone else, it’s him. His wife is not just beautiful, but one of the nicest, smartest and best moms Santa knows.
To your right, at a private party on Central Park West, with CNN News Anchor Chris Cuomo. He’s on my good boy list.
Backstage Magazine – the most important publication in the Musical Theater business – hires me as their Santa to sing and MC at their annual Holiday Get Together for the cream-of-the-crop of Broadway show singers and dancers.
I was proud to perform before a 60 piece symphonic orchestra and an audience of 2,200 people at Jersey City’s Annual Holiday Concert on the stage of the restored 95-year-old Loews Landmark Theater. I was personally chosen for this gig by the city’s Mayor and the former Governor of NJ who hosted the event. Click on the photo below (used with permission of Jersey Journal) to enlarge and see more pix in the Photo Gallery.
IMPORTANT NOTE – Santa offers a three-million dollar Personal Liability Insurance Policy effective during his assignment with you – and he will provide a verifiable copy of a clean background check by a recognized authority in the field. Both are important for your protection. Any Santa you hire should provide proof of them in writing at some point between booking and the event itself.
Transportation cost and travel time are billable and may be an item in your quotation.
We are pleased to work with Eastern Orthodox, Greek or Coptic communities on their January calendar.
Santa is honored and happy to make a limited number of Pro Bono and deeply discounted appearances for worthy organizations and charitable groups, especially those in tough urban areas. If you are asking for a discounted or Prop Bono event, please be ready to provide your 501c3 or other verification information.
We are listed in EventPlanners-Directory under “New Jersey entertainment.” Also, I’m a proud member of The International Brotherhood of Real Bearded Santas. I’m also founder of Real Beard Santas of America.